The only way around this would be to run at a sufficiently high framerate such that the difference between one frame and the next is nearly imperceptible when it's pulled down to 60fps. If you're generating frames at non-standard times, then you can't be guaranteed that pulling 1 frame every 60th of a second will be displaying the right state. The last is an underlying problem that will always exist when trying to capture variable framerate. This has the potential of causing issues during capture, which is amplified when gsync is thrown in the mix.
#Nvidia control panel limit fps windows 10#
Windows 10 currently has issues dealing with multiple monitors operating at different framerates which are connected to the same GPU, running hardware accelerated programs on each. The next is more of a windows specific issue. There is a workaround in OBS 24.0.3 where you can run as administrator with game mode on, and it will attempt to add OBS to the priority list, but this has varying success depending on the hardware being used and the games in question. This comes down to windows and GPU prioritization, and is a problem even without gsync if you allow your GPU to run at maximum.

With running at a higher framerate, you have the potential of the game's GPU load possibly affecting OBS's ability to perform GPU functions like scene compositing and potentially encoding.