The most severely tested people on the planet are all the Prophets. Your email address will not be published. Our support is shown through our actions and words and the recitation of the allahumma salli ala dua is a sign of our dedication to this beautiful religion. We will continue to support the Messenger of Allah and stay spreading his message. By sullying him, they thought they would destroy his moral influence through which Islam and the Muslims were gaining more and more ground every day. This was the time when the enemies of Islam were making all sorts of false allegations against the Prophet peace be upon him in order to satisfy their jealousy on the success of faith. One can clearly see from the context, why this thing has been said here. Blessings of the angels, means: They love the Prophet peace be upon him most dearly and pray to Allah to bless him with the highest ranks, cause his religion and Shariah to flourish and exalt him to the laudable position. This is not in the sense of worship as that is inconceivable and is for Allah alone but in the sense of sending your love and prayer for mercy. In this verse Allah directly send a message to all his believers to make prayer to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. O you who believe! Send your Salat on ask Allah to bless him Muhammad SAWand you should greet salute him with the Islamic way of greeting salutation i. This is strictly a dua which is mentioned in numerous different hadees.

There is no mention of this dua in the Quran. There are slightly different versions of this dua depending on the hadith narration read, this variation is from Sunan Ibn Majah book 5 hadith and is graded as Sahih by Darussalam. Doing so is among the most virtuous acts and inshallah our status will be elevated. Just image the mental torment of being disrespected by your closest colleagues and family. Often their advances were rejected and the Prophets were ostracized and ridiculed for their beliefs. They went against the accepted conventional wisdom and spoke freely and truthfully to try and help their respective communities to the right path.